The Importance of of Childhood Dental Care

Early dental care provides a variety of benefits to children in Browns Plains and our dentist at Marsden Park Dental Centre can help. Baby teeth are very important allowing your child to eat comfortably, learn to speak correctly, and be confident. Childhood is the time to instil good oral hygiene habits that will last a lifetime.

The first visit to our Browns Plains area dental clinic is about making the child feel comfortable and teaching parents what they can do at home to help ensure good oral health. Sometimes parents can create anxiety about the dentist by trying to explain and relieve fears too much. We find it best if you make going to the dentist no big deal.

If your child loses a baby tooth due to decay or an accident, it can impact the development of their permanent teeth. A missing tooth can cause the other teeth to shift which can set everything out of alignment and put our child on the path of extensive dental work later so be sure to keep regular appointments and notify us in case of an accident.

We accept Child Dental Benefits Scheme Medicare where children between the ages of 2-17 can have up to $1000 of dental work every two years. Our staff will work with you to see if you are eligible. If you live in Browns Plains and need a dentist, contact Marsden Park Dental Centre.